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A type of decoration, but the decor in the form of abstract objects on the outside of the portfolio. An art mesh pouches around the exterior design gives a fine sheen curling, ventilation, consciousness, and the model accounts may look elegant, sleek and shiny. The surface of the bag can be sealed or movement of art in different colors,Cheap Jordans, if stitched leather, or may be detailed,Nike Shoes Wholesale, if brocade fabric.
Closing bags are clutch design is frequently used decoration details. They can be embedded with a Swarovski crystal or diamond, and sometimes even flowers, acanthus leaves, and even the shape of the skull of decorative sculpture. Gold or silver with gold for the Chinese Li Jia Seals is another material often used, gives us a look at the same time is full of vigor and dignity.
From individual artisans handmade bags Some may be literally unique in the business, with so much variety - different packages and bags of marijuana styles of gold - you can not always see someone else with the same portfolio of you so you know your fashion statement with a flourish of his own: a variety of signature.
The difference is the use of a different color to make the statement simple and effective. It's going to make different combinations of two colors - the outside of the facilities, the overall impact of black thread on white, fine-line black and white, big, black and white to convey its message will toggle bold, for example, it One can choose the most suitable for his statement.
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